Time to make a choice!


Before I get too far along, I want to link back to the first three essays in this series. They will provide the background you will need to understand this particular essay.

For the last month, or so, I have been covering the various pay for play episodes the Clinton Foundation has been involved in. Millions of dollars flowing into the Foundation from foreign governments, multi-national corporations, and wealthy individuals. At first glance, the only conclusion that could be drawn is that the Foundation was created to make the Clintons filthy rich. But my recent research has revealed that there might be some other conclusions that can be drawn. Shortly after starting this research, I stumbled onto a connection between the foundation and the CIA. I sort of chuckled when I wrote about it, and frankly, I could not find myself believing it. My words sounded like the conspiracy theories I so detest. So for the past week I have been embroiled and forced to read dozens of conspiracy blogs, trying to glean provable information. But how is it possible to prove anything involving the CIA? That said, there are many facts, that when connected…lead to conclusions. After reading this tale, you will be able to conclude for yourself, what is true. There will be three possible choices for you to make: Is the Clinton Foundation simply a criminal enterprise, designed to make the Clintons and their friends filthy rich? Is it a functional front for the CIA to be involved in a multitude of ventures, in a wide arena of countries? Or is it actually a shadow government where rich and powerful people have created a parallel foreign policy to further their global agenda? Yes, these are all very different things and each has its own nature, consequences, and solutions. So read on, and let me know what you conclude in the comments, below.


Marc Rich


The story starts with a man named Marc Rich. For those of you old enough, you may remember his name but can’t place it. He received a pardon from Bill Clinton on his very last day in office. I must say, I remember it, but didn’t even give it any thought, I had never heard of Marc Rich before that. Apparently, the pardon was very controversial. It is thought that between 30 and 100 million dollars was paid by Rich for the pardon that found its way to the Dutch Island of St. Maartens. It would be unfair to say Marc Rich was a “friend” of Bill Clinton. I have to assume they knew each other and had dealings before the pardon. It is not clear, however, if Rich and Clinton worked together on anything. However, it is more clear that Marc Rich was friends with GHW Bush, and had many dealings with the ex-CIA chief, President Bush. Rich was a “commodities” broker. He dealt in gold, minerals and oil. You will understand what made Rich so unique if you glance at his customer list and the people he bought from: the apartheid regime of South Africa; Fidel Castro‘s Cuba, Marxist Angola, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Muammar Gaddafi‘s Libya, Nicolae Ceaușescu‘s Romania,  Augusto Pinochet‘s Chile, and especially the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran,  among many more. But what Rich admitted, and is known for, he dealt with these people and countries when they were under international sanctions. It begs the question, why was he never indicted for any of it?  (He was actually pardoned from tax evasion) It has been reported that when the American CIA needed to pay for a domestic or foreign political assassination, Marc Rich arranged it through smuggled or stolen gold bullion. He also worked very closely with Israel’s Mossad, providing them with valuable information into his contact’s business.  Rich, coincidently, due to his commodities expertise, was involved in the collapse of the Russian currency in 1990, that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, under GHW Bush. You can read more about Marc Rich here. So…..first question for you. Do you think Marc Rich was part of the CIA web of intrigue, or just an unscrupulous businessman? I reported above, that the pardon of Marc Rich was controversial.  But in fact, it was possibly criminal. Right after GHW Bush took office, a federal prosecutor in NY, Mary Jo White, was appointed by the new attorney general, John Ashcroft, to investigate the pardon. Now some of these names coming up may be familiar to you…..Shortly before that investigation concluded in 2003, White was removed from the case and replaced with the brand new deputy attorney general….James Comey. It was disclosed that the pardon for Rich had circumvented the pardon process at the justice department and the Clinton Deputy Attorney General recommended that it get “passed through” directly to the president. That deputy AG was Eric Holder, who later became the AG under Obama and Comey became the FBI Director under GWB. My next question to you is: Do you believe these appointments were mere coincidental or something else?  I guess it wouldn’t be fair, if I didn’t mention that Marc Rich had very good lawyers…Jack Quinn and Scooter Libby. Jack Quinn was Whitehouse council under Bill Clinton and chief of staff to Al Gore. Scooter Libby was former council to VP Dick Chaney. Libby was later convicted of inadvertently outing the reported CIA operative, Valerie Plame. After Libby was sentenced, his sentence was commuted by GWB. All’s well that ends well….whew! That was a close one.

Someone actually almost went to jail.

So how do we get back to the Clinton Foundation? Not much of a leap….especially if you’ve read my first three posts.

In case you didn’t….a very brief summary:  Julleanna Glover worked for the RNC and lobbied. She gave up her job there and business to take a senior position at Teneo, the second skin of the CF. She also kept her role as senior advisor to John Ashcroft at Constellis, formerly Blackwater, a black ops mercenary supply company to the pentagon. Well, Jack Quinn is a director at Constellis and Xe Services. Xe services is an international mercenary supplier, soldier training firm and general consultant in making war. These are very clandestined CIA fronts. It is so important to understand that the CF and its affiliates are doing their work all over the world…..Africa, Australia, South America, China, Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean. What a better cover for CIA missions? If this is indeed all sanctioned by the American government….which may be indicated by no one ever going to jail, because certainly, there is a whole shitload of illegal things going on, then are the Clintons actually American heroes? What about the other possibility? A shadow government? What if the CF is conducting its own foreign policy? A policy bent on a global system. This would explain Soros’s involvement in Teneo, through Mark Malloch-Brown. It could also explain the collapse of the Russian currency, which is Soros’ calling card. It would explain Hillary Clinton’s private server. It could also explain the entire destruction of the Middle East and our total lack of action…something we blame on incompetence or ideology. We have become aware of so many events that defy logic or explanation from a normal American’s perspective. What is going on in the world? How can we make any sense of all the events that have occurred in the world in the last 20 years? Sometimes I feel like there is two governments….one for the people and one for the CIA. Which one is actually running things? Is this why they fear an outsider like Trump, so much? We will know soon enough, I suppose. Once Trump learns what they know, will he still do the things he wants to do? If nothing changes, then we will know that something is going on that almost everyone in America is in the dark about.

So there you have it. My last question to you is, what say you? Which is it? Is the Clinton Foundation merely a criminal enterprise? Is it working for or with the CIA to shape and fix world events? Or is it a shadow government that works for the globalists and their one world government agenda? You have to answer that for yourself.

Into The Weeds 4

The Clinton Foundation

Good friends….Bill Clinton, Gilbert Chagoury



I have just finished reading dozens and dozens of stories about the massive corruption within the Clinton Foundation. As I perused each article and each story, I was amazed about how many things I had not heard anything about from our fabulous media. So, that said, I hardly knew where to start….I just dove in. There are over 200,000 donors to the Clinton Foundation. I simply don’t even know if the FBI could investigate all of them and all the connections. It is an impossible task. So where to start?  Many of the donors are foreign nationals or foreign governments. To be honest, I just picked one toward the top of the list. By the way, the list starts with groups of donors giving more than $25 million, and moves down in $5 million increments. At the very top of the list is USAID and UNITAID, both of whom I will cover later. Also at the top are Bill Gates, Stephen Bing, Fred Eychaner, and Saudi Arabia. The guy I picked out, at random, to investigate was about 25th on the list, in the $5 million category. His name is Gilbert Chagoury. I had never heard of Mr. Chagoury….have you? Doubtful. Mr. Chagoury is the richest man in Nigeria and head of a diverse conglomerate called the Chagoury Group that he runs with his brother. Both were born and grew up in Nigeria but are Lebanese and Muslim. His background is one of death and tyranny. He was an advisor to the Nigerian military dictator, Sani Abacha. Abacha was a brutal tyrant in the 90s that suspended all government, the constitution and replaced governors with generals. He bilked Nigeria of millions, and killed or imprisoned his opponents. Chagoury was his money man. Chagoury was convicted of bribery and money laundering, for placing 300 million of Nigerian money into Swiss banks for Abacha. Chagoury never served jail time. AND…..he is a long time friend of Bill Clinton. From everything I could find out…this Chagoury fellow is a piece of crap, and ruthless. So why has he given millions to the Clinton Foundation? Turns out, this question has a fairly obvious answer. But as we will discover as we go through all this corruption, there will never be direct evidence or a so-called smoking gun. Common sense, together with patterns, are all we can hope to use and discover. The old saying is “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck!” Back to Chagoury and why he donated millions. It has to do with what most would call an obscure group of terrorists, named Boko Haram. But why is Boko Haram so obscure? To date they have killed more Christians than ISIS and Al-Qaida…..reportedly some 10,000 people have been killed by Boko Haram. This was the group that over ran a girls school and kidnapped nearly 300 young girls, which were never heard from again. You might remember the sign Michelle Obama held up on Twitter, “Bring back our girls”. Such feigned outrage! But guess what? Boko Haram was never designated to be a terrorist organization. You see, a terrorist organization designation comes with consequences. Any one found to provide support is guilty of an international crime….things get confiscated…’s very bad for business, if you are helping them.  Chagoury owns the two largest hotels in Nigeria and relies on tourism for some of his success. He also owns half of all Nigerian construction. Until November of 2013, Boko Haram was never designated a terrorist organization, even though the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and the Pentagon all urged Mrs. Clinton to do so. Terrorist designations must come from the state department. Hillary Clinton left her state department position in February and in November Boko Haram received the terrorist designation, years after thousand had been killed. So….is it a quid pro quo? There is no direct evidence….at this point there is no proof, but as we go through this corruption, you will see the same pattern emerge……somebody gives money to the Foundation and then finds themselves benefitting from an American action or decision.

  Continue reading “Into The Weeds 4”

Into the weeds 3

Third in my corruption series

This is a quick update to my crazy theory about Teneo and the CIA. More supporting evidence.

In my last post, I mentioned Juleanna Glover. A seemingly innocuous player, working for the RNC, then abruptly giving up her business and her position, to take a job at Teneo. Well it seems she didn’t give up everything. She remained an advisor to the Ashcroft group, and to its Chairman, John Ashcroft. Yes, that John Ashcroft that was attorney general under GWB. If you recall , Mr Ashcroft recused himself in the investigation of torture accusations by the CIA at black sights in Syria and Egypt, at the heighth on the war on terror. Since then Mr. Ashcroft founded and is the Chairman of Constallis, formerly Acedemi, formerly Blackwater. Constallis is a “government security company”. You know, the type used by the CIA to perform clandestine operations? And Juleanna Glover works for him.

What a coincidence….more to come.

The Truth Is In Here

Welcome to my Blog

Hello, My Friends!

Welcome to my blog. I have been posting on FB for some time. Some of my posts were very long….too long for FB, so I started this blog in order to share my research, my opinions and some insight from others concerning the political, economic, and governmental health of our country.
I am no one in particular, I am not famous, I’m not important, just an American that has experienced many things in life….however I have worked for wages, worked for a salary, and owned a business. I have seen life from the bottom, from the middle, and from the top. One thing I have done that few others have, is pay attention and do research. I have researched many things. I spent 13 years researching only scripture….no…not the Bible, but all scripture. I studied the founding and the constitution, developed new economic theories, and for years looked into the corruption in government. I have no special talent or ability…..just common sense, logic and a very skeptical mind set…..I question everything.
I don’t know if this will lead anywhere, but at least for the next few months I will be posting my research on our corrupt political process. Be sure to follow me on Facebook: here

Into the weeds 2

The second in a series researching corruption in the Clinton Foundation and government corruption in general

Believe me I really hate posting this. I know it will make me look like some sort of conspiracy nut. But I have been researching the Clinton Foundation for over a month. It has led me off on all sorts of tangents. I know this will be another long post….but this seemed like a good place to put down “some” of this research. I will post this comment on my page leter.

When researching The Clinton Foundation, a multi-billion dollar consulting firm called Teneo came up, several dozen times. Without going into all the details….Teneo was created by a guy named Declan Kelly. Hillary appointed him special envoy to Ireland in 2011 when she was SOS. Kelly had a partner in Teneo…Doug Band, who runs The CF. Teneo, CF, and the government for years seemed to operate as one entity. Doug Band was Bill Clinton’s “body man” ….absolute loyal confidant and go to guy. Huma Abedin worked at Teneo, while she was working for the CF and the state department, as a “special government employee” (SPG)

Another tangent to the story, is Juleanna Glover. A long time republican operative, fund raiser, lobbyist and consultant. Shortly after funding Make America Awsome, a Ted Cruz Super Pac, which provided the Naked photo of Melania just before the Utah Primary, she too, went to work for Teneo as a senor VP. She quit everything else she was doing. It led me to believe that the parties were working together…..but another tangent changed that view. I’ll get back to Glover in a minute.

In looking into Teneo, I found that they created an investment bank. Advisors to that bank were Kelly, Bill Clinton, and Tony Blair. At the same time they also had a branch titled “intelligence” purportedly to understand the world and impending crisis. They hired a guy named Lon Augustenborg, as the head. Ok here it comes…….

What if…. all this, instead of being thought of as a corrupt enterprise, was really a massive CIA front? Lon Augustenborg recently retired from the clandestine service with the CIA for 35 years. Ms. Glover just hosted a private meet and greet, at her home, for Evan McMullin, presidential candidate we all thought was an establishment plant. Well Even McMullin also worked for the CIA.

I also found one of Kelly’s past businesses, that he founded was FTI, another multi-billion dollar consulting firm. He had a man working as an advisor, named Mark Malloch-Brown. Brown, at the time, was CEO of Open Societies….the Soros main organization. When I found this out, I thought again….its corrupt, they are all in on it……But Brown is a British Lord and an outspoken Marxist that hates America, and works at the UN. He has spoken vociferously against Tony Blair and the Iraq war….in other words, parroting the Soros line. Could it be they are investigating Soros? Then put it together with Huma Abedin’s direct connection to the Muslim Brotherhood through her parents and brother, also working at Teneo…..are they all spies….ARGGGGG! I can’t believe I said that!

Does this explain Comey’s non indictment? Is this why they don’t want Trump? Maybe I’ve just seen too many movies, but I know I’ve seen this scenario a dozen times in movies. The CIA need to interact in plane sight without being seen. Teneo seems like a perfect cover…….and all the hacked e-mails have become a disaster to this front.

So what do you think? All corrupt or all working for the CIA?